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A Prayer Guiding the Work of Our Search Committee

Almighty and ever-loving God, who continually surrounds and fills us, you are active and alive in our Cathedral and city. We give thanks that you are with us always. We rejoice that you promise that each of us can make a difference.

You call us to know and support each other and to know and experience you together, and we pray for a leader to be part of that life. You call our Cathedral to be a beacon of diversity, learning, fellowship, service and joy, and we pray for a person to nurture this dream. Be with all clergy, both those in discernment as well as all who have led our Cathedral in the past, and with the staff who support them.

Guide us to a shepherd to feed the spiritual hunger of all who enter our doors and to inspire us to be Christ-like so that we can better serve all in your Son’s name. Grant the search committee perception, faithfulness and joy, so that they may hear your voice in all deliberations. Give us all courage to respond and act as you lead us. Come Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.