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Remember, Renew, Rise: Our first draft is now available for review

The Cathedral Discernment Team has been prayerfully working throughout the summer to listen, to reflect, and to integrate all that we’ve heard from our six wonderful conversation Sundays with you, our nearly 40 conversations with local nonprofits, neighbors, and diocesan partners, and our demographic research. We’ve wrestled with questions both big and small, and we’ve looked for consistent points of convergence and persistence in all that we’ve heard, learned, seen, and observed. We’re now ready to share our first working draft with you of our proposed vision and key pillars for the next chapter of Christ Church Cathedral.

You can take an advanced look at our draft by clicking here.

You’ll notice that it is intentionally not “finished,” and that underneath the proposed key pillars are some conceptual ideas of how those pillars might be brought to life through active ministry. Be thinking about what excites you, what concerns you, and where you could envision investing your time and energy moving forward. We’ll take your feedback and edit the draft later this month into a more final version to pass to our Vestry in November; from there, the Vestry will begin to craft a more comprehensive plan for implementation that we’ll unveil at our Annual Meeting in January. Throughout it all, we hope you’ll reflect with us on the following question, which we’ve been regularly using throughout our process: What will give most glory to God and be expressive of Christ Church Cathedral’s deepest self, most authentic self?