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Public Response to Active Shooter Training

Course Overview: 

Law enforcement agencies are often called upon to provide training to schools, businesses, and the community on what to do if confronted with an active shooter situation. The Public Response to Active Shooter class provides guidance that is meant to assist with surviving an active shooter situation. Topics include a history of active shooter events, lessons learned from those events, where you are most at risk, phases of an active shooter, motives of a shooter, and procedures to employ during an actual active shooter event.

Purpose of Training:

The purpose of the Public Response to Active Shooter training is to provide information that is intended to assist in successfully surviving an active shooter incident. The class furnishes information on, but is not limited to:

  • Motives of a Shooter
  • Signs to Look For
  • Law Enforcement Actions
  • Procedures
    • Run
    • Hide
    • Fight