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A parishioner shares: Lety Medina



How did you come to CCC?

I found the Cathedral walking through downtown with my family more than 8 years ago. What attracted me the most, at that moment was the beauty of the building, in the middle of so much noise and especially, the banner that said “Misa en español” (Spanish mass). Once in the service, we were impressed by the welcome and how we were received, not just at the door, but everybody inside was saying hello to us.

What does it mean for you to be a member of CCC?

For me, to be a member of the Cathedral means to know the story from its beginning, to know what it represents for the Diocese, and it makes me feel committed to remain informed of what it is, and what we do today, for instance: that it is a Church for both English and Spanish speakers, that we are a sanctuary.

What do you like the most about CCC?

That everyone is welcome. That we strive to be one church, respecting our diversity in our cultures, language and more.

What ministries have you served in?

I have had the opportunity to serve as a teacher of Godly  Play, First Communion teacher, Coordinator of the dramatic representations, (such as the Pasión), in altar guild, and as a reader. I am also starting to be involved with Cathedral Women. Probably what I like the most is to serve in the Altar Guild. This ministry has had a deep spiritual meaning for me.

How to you visualize the future of CCC?

I visualize our Cathedral as a bilingual, young, diverse and dynamic community.

What message would you like to share with others?

I would like to note that for now there are few Hispanic members, but we are all active. They majority serve in a ministry, and that means that we are moved by the love of Christ and that we love our Church. In general, I would like to say that Christ Church offers us a house for worship, to have personal encounter with God. But it also offers us the adventure to work for the Kingdom of God in the middle of people who are different from us. Is that not enriching? Is that not what the Gospel calls us to be?